Quiz: Weather Services 1


Weather Services 1

PA.I.C.K1 Sources of weather data (e.g., National Weather Service, Flight Service) for flight planning purposes.

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1. En route weather advisories should be obtained from an FSS on

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2. What service should a pilot normally expect from Flight Service?

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3. How should contact be established with a Flight Service Station, and what service would be expected?

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4. To update a previous weather briefing, a pilot should request

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5. When telephoning a weather briefing facility for preflight weather information, pilots should state

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6. You plan to phone a weather briefing facility for preflight weather information. You should

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7. What should pilots state initially when telephoning a weather briefing facility for preflight weather information?

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8. Which type of weather briefing should a pilot request to supplement mass disseminated data?

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9. When requesting weather information for the following morning, a pilot should request

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10. What should pilots state initially when telephoning a weather briefing facility for preflight weather information?

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11. A weather briefing that is provided when the information requested is 6 or more hours in advance of the proposed departure time is

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12. Which type weather briefing should a pilot request, when departing within the hour, if no preliminary weather information has been received?

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13. To get a complete weather briefing for the planned flight, the pilot should request

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14. When speaking to a flight service weather briefer, you should state

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