Class B is the airspace from the surface to 10,000 ft. MSL around the U.S.’s busiest airports. Examples of Class B airports include LAX (Los Angeles), SFO (San Francisco), and DEN (Denver).
Class B Operating Rules and Equipment Requirements (FAR 91.131)
ATC clearance required before operating in Class B Airspace.
Two-way radio communication is required.
A Mode C transponder is required within and above the lateral limits of Class B airspace and within 30 NM of the primary airport regardless of altitude.
The PIC has to be a private pilot or a student or recreational pilot who is with a CFI.
Class B Airspace Depiction and Symolology
Class B airspace is depicted with solid blue radials and arcs.
The name of the Class B airspace is shown in blue block letters, all capitalized.
The MSL ceiling and floor altitudes of each section are shown in solid blue figures the last two zeros omitted.
Floors that are “upward and above” a certain altitude are preceded by a +.
VFR Cloud Clearance and Visibility Requirements
To operate VFR within class B airspace, the pilot must maintain:
- 3 statute miles visibility
- Clear of clouds